擦布wiper 在欧美一些发达国家都采用**细纤维无纺布擦布,该产品吸油性能好,吸收速度快,布面柔软,适用于擦拭机器,仪器,带油污的器皿。 In some developed countries, they use nonwoven fabrics to make wipers ,It can absorb oil well and easily. It is so soft that it is also used for cleaning machines ,equipments and utensils with oil. 吸油毡oil absorbent 由于此产品为**细纤维结构,而具有较大的表面积和表面能, 通过毛细管现象吸上液体,移动并扩散,因此吸液和存液效果较好。同时, 聚丙烯与石油及各类油品的结构相似,极性相同,也使得及其易吸油,而被广泛用于汽车修理、污水处理、船舶机舱、油库、加油站、以及宾馆、家庭油污处理。 As the product is in superfine structure , the result of absorbing and keeping solid is perfect .PP (polypropylene)is also similar to kinds of oil in structure , so it can absorb oil easily .it is used for repairing bus , dealing with dirty water ,and oil dusty from shipihold , oil warehouse . gas station , etc